Angels of Angel is a unique fund and supporter network of King’s Head Theatre specifically focussed on the creation and production of new theatrical productions.

Before the pandemic, the theatre - located in Islington, an area known for its plethora of grassroots, independent arts venues - was known for producing work in-house far exceeding in scale its intimate 110 seats. These productions often transferred into the West End, including our Olivier award-winning La Boheme which won Best New Opera and the long-running touring and Edinburgh Fringe production Trainspotting Live.

However, producing theatre is risky and almost all of the money required is spent well before tickets are sold. With the move to the new theatre and the pandemic, the fund needs a boost. And so in 2020, when we were closed for over a year and our reserves were significantly impacted by the wider impact of the pandemic, so too was our ability to actually capitalise and produce the shows as we once did.

What is the Fund?

We’re creating a network of Theatre Angels, in Angel, whose fund will specifically be used to create and produce new work in our new theatre. It will be used specifically to support new shows. This means that your donation won’t support the creation of just one production, but an ongoing range of productions. As the ticket income earned from one show, will simply be put back into capitalising the next one. If the show makes a surplus then the fund will increase, or decrease if it makes a loss, but we will always be striving to keep the fund at a healthy level.

Whilst surpluses will be kept in the fund, to support the continuation of producing theatre, donating to the fund will enable you unique access to the shows and put you into a community of like-minded theatre aficionados.

CHERUB - £150
  • Added to the Angels of Angel mailing list which will send regular updates on the production, including exclusive behind the scenes and creation content
  • Name accreditation on our website and in-house programmes


VIRTOE - £500
  • Added to the Angels of Angel mailing list which will send regular updates on the production, including exclusive behind the scenes and creation content
  • Name accreditation on our website and in-house programmes
  • Acess to sold out shows up to 48 hours before the performance
  • Invitation to exclusive events associated with the Angel funded productions, including backstage events & Q&A's
  • Invitation to exclusive events for other productions at KHT
  • Exclusive invitation to purchase a pair of press night tickets & an invite to join post show press night parties, including a complimentary drink


SERAPH - £1,000

All of the above plus:

  • Ability to join the private Angels of Angel Facebook Group
  • Two complimentary tickets to any performance on any KHT show, (excluding press night, used once per year)
  • Complimentary Programme or playtext for any production produced by the fund
  • Exclusive invite to attend a selected rehearsal or dress rehearsal on any production funded by the Angels Fund

Become a Seraph Today

ARCHANGEL - £5,000

All of the above plus:

  • Membership for 2 years
  • Archangel credit on all productions produced by the fund, listed in programmes
  • Invitation to annual Exchange of Ideas meetings with the senior team and board where you can influence and feedback on the productions the fund invests in
  • Direct line of communication with our CEO and Executive Producer & Producer
  • Invitation to a private dinner with our senior staff  members & available board members
  • Private Meet & Greet with the cast and creatives on any production produced by the fund
  • Two complimentary tickets to any preview, press night or a performance of your choice & invitation to any post-show parties.
  • Financial information (production accounts) on the profit and losses of each production

Become an Archangel Today


In exchange for your support you will receive great KHT perks, which will remain available for the 12 months from the point of donating, with option to renew afterwards:

The Angels of Angel network will also be credited as a co-Producer on all productions. For example topline billing would be “King's Head Theatre, [Co-Producer] and Angels of Angel present…”

Any questions? Please email

All donations are Gift Aidable, please send through your Gift Aid declaration to 

How does this work with the KHT Club?

The KHT Club is a separate scheme, where the funds go towards core funding, and the upkeep of KHT. In order to get the benefits of the KHT Club, you will also need to join this membership scheme, in conjunction with your Angels of Angels Membership, which will be going towards the Production Fund.

To find out more about the KHT Club & Join for just £60 per year click below.

KHT Club

Please note The KHT Club membership needs to be separate because of accounting and IT requirements.

Thank you to all our Angels of Angels donors

  • Bernard Sharp
  • Dr Dugan Cummings
  • John Thirlwell
  • Lois Potter
  • Maria Boyd Hind
  • Mark Vogel and William Denebeim
  • Ms Ashley Humphreys
  • Sam Berwick
  • Steven Feldman
  • Sir Tom Stoppard
  • Tony Bonnar
  • Matthew Hodson
  • Claire Monk
  • Mary Rensten
  • Martin Court
  • Lois Potter
  • Kevin Elyot’s Bristol Friends
  • Bernard Sharp
  • Nick Perry
  • Rutger Beelaerts
  • Carol Fethke
  • Gary Fethke
  • Kiran Khetia
  • Martin Checov
  • Charles Lindon


Stair Sponsors

  • Dame Janet Suzman
  • Dame Joanna Lumley
  • Harold Sanditen & Thanasis Kalantzis
  • Louise Chantal
  • Margie Barbour
  • Mary Rensten &  Martin Court
  • Matthew Hodson
  • Professor Claire Monk
  • Ricardo Alonso
  • Rod Natkiel
  • Sir Ben Kingsley
  • Sir Cameron Mackintosh