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Support King's Head Theatre

The King's Head Theatre does not receive any core funding and relies on ticket sales and donations to keep putting on shows at our theatre. 

With your support we can ensure we keep the lights on and doors open.

Donate Today

We have many other ways you can support us. Whether you would like to join our KHT Club and access discounted tickets or support our Production fund, there is something for everyone at KHT. Please read below for more info...


KHT Club

Become a KHT Club Member today for just £60 per year. Or, choose a joint membership for just £100 per year. Get access to the best seats in the house for just £20 on any show, plus gain access to lots of local discounts.

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Angels of Angels Network

Interested in directly supporting the work that goes on our stage. Why not join our Angels of Angels Network and become a Theatre Angel. All money raised will go into our producing fund and will allow us to continue to produce work on our stage. Previous work includes: Cinderella, Breeding and Gang of Three. 

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Sponsor a Stair 

Sponsor a stair from our 53 year history in the Pub Theatre. If you have a show that you have a particular affinity to, or a year that brings back great memories, this is for you. 

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