In the chaos of modern warfare, a mother’s devastating loss sparks a one-woman odyssey through the legendary characters of The Trojan Women. This bold reimagining of the world’s first anti-war play—Euripides’ timeless protest against war and violence—brings ancient Athens into sharp focus against the backdrop of today’s turbulent world. Seamlessly blending raw drama with comedic physical theatre, this production promises to provoke, inspire, and connect. With echoes of today’s global tensions, this 2000-year-old masterpiece feels more relevant than ever.
This solo tour-de-force by renowned Albanian performer Drita Kabashi is written by critically acclaimed playwright Sara Farrington and directed by award-winning Meghan Finn, Artistic Director of The Tank (a previous home of triple Fringe First winners Xhloe & Natasha's A Letter To Lyndon B Johnson or God: Whoever Reads This First) and 2024 David Prize Recipient.
Director | Meghan Finn
Writer | Sara Farrington
Performer | Drita Kabashi
Producer | Rachel Ackerman
Tour & Stage Manager | Hanna Yurfest
General Management | Aixa Amarante Naranjo for CDM Productions