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Springboard: Why I am an Avocado
New Writing

Springboard: Why I am an Avocado

A queer interactive comedy

Fragments of queer narratives, characters, and confessions tie together with the question we all ask: What makes me an avocado? Am I ripe? Do I come in a pair with unnecessary plastic protecting me from squeezing hands? Or am I just soft, single, left in the corner, destined to be part of the never-ending food waste?

There might be an answer. There probably won’t be.

Let Keith and Delilah hold your hand through the HCT Programme - a new method in exploring self-love (and loving them). Join Callum in his corner as he advises, guides, and inspires you to be your best self. Then, help Juliet find her one true love. 

Elephant in the Closet asks you to lend a hand to these queer avocados. 

They’ll definitely need it.


Deviser Rebecka Öberg

Deviser Jack Boal

Lighting Designer Amelia Hawkes

Co-Producer Signe Blix Herrlander

Co-Producer Kim Storbacka

Ticket Price

£10 - 18


12 - 13 April


King's Head Theatre



“Laugh-out-loud funny... You don't want to miss this” VoiceMag

"A completely bonkers piece of theatre" Broadway Baby 

“We laughed, we joined in and we reveled in the joy of seeing two confident young actors unashamedly flaunt their creativity and talent on the stage.” ★★★★ Broadway Baby

Winner of Best Comedy at Greater Manchester Fringe 2021


We are committed to ensuring that tickets for performances in this festival are affordable, with a limited number being made available at £10 for every performance. We ask that if you’re able to, please consider paying a bit more for your ticket. It makes a big difference to the artists behind every show you see and ensures we’re able to continue offering affordable ticket prices. Seating for this production is unallocated, if you have any specific access requirements then get in contact with us by email [email protected] or phone 0207 226 8561


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