BRENT THORPE, the biggest poof in Australia, is in his 60s, fit, dangerous and committed to ageing disgracefully. DADDY is a new show where Brent Thorpe joins forces with director Adam Cook to take you on a wild ride to discover what life is like as a Daddy and to see how much fun getting older really is.
But it doesn’t stop there. In the wake of Pride and Drag Story Time events being cancelled across Australia, DADDY is more than happy to give right wing conservatives exactly what they want. Just more of it than they ever bargained for.
DADDY is a celebration of life and DADDY says, ‘You’re never too old to take a pill and dance on a podium wearing a jockstrap.’
DADDY does not travel alone. He never leaves home without DADDY’S BOYS, two of the sexiest and most shameless go-go boys to ever take to a stage!
DADDY | Brent Thorpe
DADDY'S BOY | Patrick Phillips
DADDY'S BOY | Jack Mitsch
Director | Adam Cook