June 7, 2019 by Robert Khan
For good or for ill, Brexit will define politics in this country for a generation. Writers of Spitting Image, Yes Minister and The Thick of It could not have imagined a situation where the flagship policy of the ruling party of the day proves so divisive that no one in Parliament can actually agree on what it is.
But since we put the play on in Edinburgh and the King’s Head Theatre last year, things have radically moved on - whilst also staying exactly the same. The same intractable situation where no-one can agree and everyone blames everyone else, is now coupled with a Tory leadership election which could radically change the approach of the Government. So… people have also been asking whether we have been frenetically re-writing the script?
It’s true there has been some re-drafting. No-one could have predicted, for example, that the press night of the play would happen ON THE EXACT SAME DAY as the result of the first Tory leadership ballot.
That’s why we are poised to make changes but we also have some inbuilt flexibility in that our leading actor David Benson has also played Boris Johnson in the West End, in BORIS: WORLD KING. He will therefore be brilliantly able to adjust his performance to become more Boris – or more Jeremy – or more Michael – or more Rory - as is required. Even if more Andrea or more Esther might be trickier.
And we’re blessed with a truly remarkable group of actors such as Margaret Cabourn-Smith who can make anything funny, Jessica Fostekew who is someone we had in mind for Diana when we first put the play on in August 2018 and we love her energy and her timing. And finally, we already know how good Thom Tuck and Adam Astill are in these roles.
So come and see this terrific cast!