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Dancing By Myself

Do you ever have those dreams where you’re flying through clouds over tiny people and winding streets like a bird in the wind… and then you wake up and you have this overwhelming realisation that the world and everything in it is shit? No Harriet. Yeah, me neither.

Nat has been playing Mum to her little sister Harriet for 10 years. Together they have grown up navigating the female experience with only each other as role models.

Dancing By Myself is a tragic comedy about how our communication of love changes through grief. It explores the complexities of sisterhood and asks how tightly do we hold onto our memories and morals to fake the façade of a happy family?



Comedy + Main House

Houdini's Greatest Escape

Can Harry & Bess Houdini escape being framed for murder and clear their names?

Drama + Main House

How to Survive Your Mother

The true story of a Technicolor woman in a black and white world

Musical + Main House

The Freddie & Queen Experience

A full recreation of QUEEN's Live shows, based around QUEEN at their very best - the 86 'Magic tour'.

Musical + Main House Later

DIVA: Live From Hell!

Demonstrating exactly what it takes to earn the title of diva, Luke Bayer stars in this devilish solo musical.

Comedy + Cabaret House


Brent Thorpe, the biggest poof in Australia, is in his 60s, fit and committed to ageing disgracefully.

Horror + Cabaret House

Klub Obskura

Kweer. Kryptik. Klub.